
Coming from a background in interior design and an interest in the link between people, culture, gender and religion, Nehal research's seeks to bridge the gap between material and immaterial interior products in Middle Eastern dwellings. She has graduated with Honors in Interior Design from the University of Bahrain in 2007. In 2016, Dr. Almerbati completed her PhD in the design school at De Montfort University, UK. Her PhD investigates the reproduction of Mashrabiya to be revived using new technologies like 3D printing. She is currently working an Assistant Professor at University of Bahrain. Her research interests, conference papers and publications are in the field of sustainable heritage and interiors, modes of production and digital crafts as well as customizations via additive manufacturing and 3D printing. She teaches Interior Design, Islamic ornamentation and Computer-Aided Design.Dr. Almerbati is a co-founder of the Smart Sustainable Urbanism lab.